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The Will To Change: Uncovering True Stories of Diversity & Inclusion

Sep 29, 2017

Tony award winning theatre producer Seth Greenleaf discusses his own diversity story and how that led him to be able to negotiate differences and build bridges between individuals and groups. Seth shares his perspective as a Broadway producer on the benefits of diverse casting in Broadway theatre productions and speaks

Sep 15, 2017

Malcom Glenn, strategic partnerships manager at Uber Technologies, discusses what led him to join Uber and the work that Uber is doing to increase accessibility for people with disabilities as well as other diverse populations. Malcom shares his perspective on the Google memo, both as a man of color in the tech...

Sep 1, 2017

Robin Zander, founder of Spring Space and The Responsive Conference, discusses the importance of reinventing work and the connection to diversity and inclusion. Robin shares his thoughts about what’s missing from the current structure of work and education, and what needs to change. Robin discusses his background as a...